About Venus Freeze


Fairmount Spa are pleased to offer an array of Venus Freeze Treatments, a truly revolutionary skin rejuvenation technology that patients just love. It delivers proven, non-invasive and longer lasting results in skin rejuvenation without the usual pain, stress or surgery or of other similar anti-ageing treatments.

The Venus Freeze delivers results all over the body.

Venus Freeze is suitable for the face, neck and body, for men and women with all skin types.

Anti-ageing Facials – “The facelift of the future”, popular with celeb’s and top models
Wrinkles Reduction – eye area, forehead, hands, etc
Cellulite & Fat Reduction – legs, bottom, buttocks
Skin Tightening – neck, chin, arms, legs, buttocks, stretch marks “mummy tummy”
Body Shaping – firming loose areas, inch loss on thighs, waist or stomach

Just Relax! The Freeze is fast and easy for facials and skin tightening

In just a few 30 minute sessions you can have more youthful looking skin, reduce wrinkles, tighten your tummy or reduce cellulite WITHOUT ANY DOWNTIME or PAIN!

Despite its name, most patients are usually surprised that a Venus Freeze treatment is actually very pleasant, warm and comfortable: like a hot stone massage… And it is true, some patients have fallen asleep during a Freeze treatment!

Clean, modern and clinically approved technology

The Venus Freeze uses a revolutionary and approved mixture of technologies (called RF and MP2) that time-and-again delivers quick and lasting results for your skin problems such as wrinkles, cellulite, loose skin and stretching. It is faster, more comfortable and more efficient than other RF systems. There are no special requirements or creams to apply or use afterwards. It is clean and you can return to work or leisure immediately.

It can be used to treat the face and body and is suitable on all types of skin and colour, male or female. Using radio frequency with magnetic pulses the Venus Freeze penetrates heat deep into the skin from inside out, which stimulates new collagen and elastin fibres. That regenerates new skin growth.

You will see quick and noticeable results in just a few short sessions such as smoothing and tightening of the skin, whilst also plumping out lines and wrinkles.


If you want to know if the Freeze is suitable for you or need more information CONTACT US today or book your free consultation. We are happy to explain just how easy and effective the Venus Freeze is.